Monday, June 22, 2009

Oh Crap!

I was that guy. You know, the idiot that caused the crash. Believe me, it was no good for me either. Not only did I pay for a race I got to be in for 2 seconds, the extra points for the stage race don't happen if you DNF or get DQ'd which I did since the chainring that gashed (I said "gashed") my tires sidewall and gave me 5 little punctures in my back caused me to have to go to the car to get a tube gave me an automatic DQ. Nice run on sentence, I know. So that made Sunday a little less meaningful. I did do 2 laps of the course because it is super cool riding at Mt. Morris and who did I run into but my Lovely Bride Lisa who had crashed out and was just riding to ride as well. Great weekend. Kylie crashed twice in the kids race and swore she would never race there again. We'll see.
Sunday was a little better. I managed to get just over 18 minutes into the 20 minutes plus 2 laps of the shortrack before being lapped by the leaders. The course was fast and fun with the laps being about a minute and a half long. I'm not sure why I like that event but I do. All in all not a great weekend but I did get to race my bike and I can still ride tomorrow so it's not all bad.
Friday we leave for Colorado. Should be sweet!


  1. Are you doing the 100 Ryan? If so, Atta boy I'd love to try that race.

  2. It's a little more than that. It's 6 days of fun.

  3. Hey Ryan, just found your blog and added it to our team blog's reading list. I'm upgrading to Cat 1 and look forward to trying to hang with you. See you at the Cracker?
