Until last night Sandusky had often been thrown out as a potential route for a Tuesday Night Ride, mostly in jest. Generally, the statement was followed by chuckles and laughs and then we would ride somewhere else. Not last night, my friends. Last night my response was met with nervous chatter and maybe a little bit of dread. My response was, "we better get movin', it's gonna' be a long ride." Off we went, breaking TNR protocol and riding OUT of Baraboo on Highway 136(GASP!). We really had no time to screw around so I set what I thought was a good get to Sandusky and back pace and hoped it would work. Now, backing up a step, I wasn't exactly sure where Sandusky really was but I wasn't going to let that stop us. Everyone seemed ok with the Sandusky pace and we rolled right along, across Hwy 23 into the unknown lands West of that great divide that is our normal TNR boundary. At the 1:30 mark I was getting a little nervous. We had just made Lime Ridge and I knew we were close to the Promise Land but I had no time to screw around. I sucked it up and asked a guy in the park at Lime Ridge where Sandusky was. He replied "I think you just keep going straight at the T but I'm not sure." Then he gave me a quizzical look and stated, "There's really nothing there. Why do you want to go there?" I laughed but really had no answer for him other than it was just someplace to go. Yet it was so much more. Off we went and at about 1:50 we arrived. Sponsor snapped a picture with his phone (it has the internets too!) and we were off. Lots of concern for the amount of remaining daylight but I had faith. We eventually rolled into Loganville for some water (no Dr. Pepper this late in the day) and then back at it. We picked up the people who didn't waitin Loganville along the way, lost a few at about Rock Springs but we all got back well before dark. A great ride and one I'm sure that we'll be talking about for years to come. I can't wait 'til the next time someone spits out another far away and exotic location for us to try and conquer.
Nice pic. Who's the monkey?